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Wednesday, 30 April 2014


This week (26th April 3rd May) is Depression Awareness Week 2014.
Just something to think about first. If Physical illness was treated the same as Mental Ilness...


“I’m so depressed”, “you’re such an emo”, “pull yourself together”...

These are only a few of the phrases used on a day to day basis by people that have no idea how ridiculous they may sound. Depression is a complex Mental Health Illness and just because it isn’t visible it doesn’t make it any lesser than any physical illness. By telling someone to “pull themselves together” this can in turn make their negative self thoughts even worse. By telling someone to do this is NOT going to make them magically recovered, it is far more complicated than that.

Depression is more than just feeling sad or fed up for a  few days, it is feeling low mood for weeks, months, persistently. Depression is never a sign of weakness, I love how this picture sums that up...

 Due to Mental illness being exactly that, ‘mental’, sufferers need the same amount of support as a physically ill person. For example, if a person was to break their leg a cast would be applied and they would be given time to heal. However, with mental illness there isn’t a treatment that is guaranteed to work and any treatment from medication to therapy can take years. Psychotherapy requires commitment and will power; this can be very difficult to ask for if a person is engulfed by their depressive symptoms. Symptoms of Depression include the following...

Psychological symptoms
  • continuous low mood or sadnes
  • feeling hopeless and helpless
  • having low self-esteem
  •  feeling tearful
  • feeling guilt-ridden
  •  feeling irritable and intolerant of others
  •  having no motivation or interest in things
  •   finding it difficult to make decisions
  • not getting any enjoyment out of life
  •  feeling anxious or worried
  • having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself

Physical symptoms
  • moving or speaking more slowly than usual
  • change in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased) constipation
  •  unexplained aches and pains
  • lack of energy or lack of interest in sex (loss of libido)
  • changes to your menstrual cycle
  • disturbed sleep (for example, finding it hard to fall asleep at night or waking up very early in the morning)

Social symptoms
  • not doing well at work
  • taking part in fewer social activities and avoiding contact with friends
  •  neglecting your hobbies and interests
  •   having difficulties in your home and family life

If you experience symptoms of depression for most of the day, every day for more than two weeks, you should seek help from your GP. (NHS.UK, 2014)

If you are currently living with depression like me there are ways of helping yourself. Many people benefit by making lifestyle changes such as exercising, cutting down on alcohol and eating a healthy diet.  I try and do all this to some extent, although my diet hasn’t been clean over Easter (which btw is allowed!). I always feel better after an hour at the gym or a Zumba class with my friends. Even by just going for a walk on my own with my headphones in can help me feel better. I try not to stay in my room when I feel down as it never helps. I end up just getting upset and staying in bed.  So I would definitely emphasise getting some fresh air and exercise even if it doesn’t appeal to you just try it and see if it lifts your mood. Also, there are self-help books and support groups that may be available to you. Google it! If google doesn’t know then no one does aha.

Facts about Depression
  • 1 in 5 people experience depression in their lives
  • There isn’t always an obvious reason why someone is depressed
  • Depression can affect any one, age, status, gender, race etc.
  • Depression affects not only the person experiencing it but can also affect their family and friends
  • There are different types of depression including Mild, Moderate, Season affective and Postnatal depression.

(Mentalhealth.org.uk, 2014)

How can I help someone who is depressed?
  • Listen to them, but try not to judge them.
  • Don’t offer advice unless they ask for it, but if you can see the problem that is behind the depression, you could work with the person to find a solution.
  • Spending time with them, listening over and over to their problems, and encouraging them to keep going with activities in their routine, is all helpful.

 If they are getting worse, encourage them to visit their doctor and to accept treatment.
(Rcpsych.ac.uk, 2014)

My experience

I was diagnosed with depression when I was 15 years old. I never really speak about my experience because although I want to help remove the stigma of mental health illness, I also feel vulnerable and nervous when talking about my own experience. I am happy to speak to anyone 1:1 if you want to know but I doubt many people do aha. Although I just want people to know that they’re not alone and I am happy to speak to people about their experiences they want to. So if you are struggling and feel you have no one to speak to I’m only a message away. Always happy to listen and give my advice. I wish I had a magic wand but unfortunately that’s not how it works!

The purpose of this post is merely to let anyone suffering from depression know that they’re not alone and there are people that care. I know myself that it is a scary experience facing up to a diagnosis or just the depressive feelings, but speaking to someone about it and beginning recovery is definitely worth all of that pain and anxiety.

So, Stay strong, stay positive, but most importantly stay here!

Support available

Contact us: 0300 123 3393 

 Mind Infoline

PO Box 277 Manchester M60 3XN

Helpline 0300 5000 927 
Monday - Friday 10am - 2pm

The Samaritans 
provide 24 hour, confidential, emotional support for anyone in crisis.
 Helpline 08457 90 90 90 
Email jo@samaritans.org

services provide practical help, emotional support and specialist information to individuals affected by mental health problems, their family, friends and carers.
 Helpline 0845 767 8000

Young Minds 
Charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people. 
Parents Helpline 0808 802 5544
 Monday - Friday 9.30am - 4pm

Sunday, 20 April 2014

More Easter break!

Hello again...

I decided I would post about the 2nd week of my Easter break, because since being home from Uni i've been doing quite alot. I love catching up with my family and friends it's fab. I can't see this post being very interesting but there will be lots of photos. If you're anything like me that will be fun for you, they're my favourite type of blog posts.

 Here goes...
 On Saturday 12th me and my friends went to Middlesbrough for a night out. We had pre drinks at Grace's and I really enjoyed myself. I hadn't seen them properly for months. We seen each other nearly every single day at College and after we all separated and went to different Uni's; so it was really good fun to catch up. We went to Lloyds first and then Empire. My chummy (big sis) picked me up after work at 2am! What a babe. As usual we pigged out on pizza, best way to end the night, although I regret it as soon as i've eaten it cos I can hardly move.

Prinks with my gorge gals!

 The day after I went to visit my nanna with my sisters, and having stayed at my sister I wore the same dress (scruffy cow, aha). My nanna made her famous chips and gravy and that's when I knew I was back at home. I thoroughly enjoy my nannas chips, mmm. I honestly feel like I have eaten my whole body weight since coming home. What a fatty. Why must all unhealthy food taste so good!

My beaut Nanna Maureen.
 I am yet to do my shopping haul, but I used my Lush Think Pink Bath Ballistic. It was yummy, I was very impressed. This was the result. I got a tad too over excited when my bath turned pink. I couldn't find any bubble bath anywhere so that was a let down! Although I think the pink compensated. 

I went to Seaton beach with my Sister and her friends it was a gorgeous day...

I also got rid of my blonde dip dye, then got blonde highlights. I thought I would go light again for Summer. I love being blonde.

Not the best picture, but the only one I have atm.

Random pictures of the previous week. I got to see my gorgeous little cousin, she stayed over at my house. I went out for dinner with my family and I cannot get my head out of this book. It really was a bad idea to buy books when I should be writing a Psychology report! I just love fiction, being in someone else's mind is just so much fun. Yeah, me and Chummy also had a Maccies date, with Tesco's cookies.

Finally, today I went to my friend Elle's to catch up. I hadn't seen her since September before I moved to Liverpool. We decided to bake, and coincidentally it landed on today, Easter Sunday. We made cornflake nests and Brownies. They were delicious. 

The same day I went to visit my cousin and her little girl Poppy. She is absolutely adorable! 

That's all for this week. I hope you enjoyed this post. If you got this far, once again you've done well. 
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Easter Hol fun..


It's about time I updated you all again. Get yourself a hot drink this is gonna be a long one...
I hope you're all well. For those of you on your Easter holidays, make the most of them! For those that aren't, smile anyway! Do everything that makes you happy and see everyone you love. That's exactly what i'm doing, I have been home from Uni now for a week, it has flown by. I have had such a good week.
Here are a few snaps to represent my first week home for Easter break...

This may not all go in chronological order, because my memory is horrendous but i'll give it a shot.
Waiting in the Train Station
This was just me being a fatty in the train station, the Cortado coffee was recommended by a friend that morning, I really think I fell in love with it. Haha. Obsessed! Obviously I had to snap chat this, hence the picture caption. One thing I love is good customer service, and in Costa it was brill, the lady who served me was so lovely. I'm going stop move on now before I go off on a tangent. Anyway, so I waited around half an hour and then my train arrived! I was nervous as it was only my 2nd time getting the  train home, and the 1st time wasn't very successful (let's not even go there aha). I set off from Uni at 2pm and made it home for 7pm where my sister picked me up from the station. I was welcomed home by a house full. My favourite part was being home to my gorgeous little princess (cousin)...I was so excited to see her walk and hear her talk. The worst part about living away from home is missing out on the growth of the little tots. This photo is her stealing my Disney Princess cup that my friend surprised me with for my Birthday (Thanks Lukey I loves you). How beautiful is she really. I love this little girl to bits.
Bundle of cuteness
Bestest friend in the world!

The night I got home I had made plans to go out with a few friends to the village, It ended up getting quite messy and I had a really good night...

Then I spent 3 nights at my sister. She goes to the local University and shares a house with 3 friends. I think it's crazy how I remember us being little girls and now we both live in our own places! It really makes me nostalgic. I love going round and just chilling with her, it's like old times when me and her would just chill in her room. Cos obviously she is the cool older sister (well she likes to think so aha, love ya Chummy). This couple of days consisted of food, alcohol and more food! We are so healthy it's unbelievable.

A picture of health
I also done alot of shopping but have decided I may save that for a haul, or i'll be here all day. So if you would like to see that let me know. I finally got my nose re pierced aswell, I had it done this time last year but sadly it fell out a few months later and closed up in the space of 1 night! We also drank Azera coffee as it is my new fave, and watched Camp Takota. Then as always we caught up with our favourite YouTube videos. Including Zoella, Tanya Burr, Sprinkle of Glitter their clan and my fave The Shaytards!
Showing off my nose stud, watching Youtubes, and drinking lush coffee!
On Wednesday 9th I took my friends little sister out. We went to Pizza Hut and then to the Cinema to see Divergent. The pizza was unreal, and the film was even better. I expected it to be good but it was even better than I expected. I was very impressed. I'd definitely recommend it to everyone. I'm the sort of person that only enjoys soppy love, sad movies, but this was crazy good. We ended up giving our left over pizza hut to a homeless man outside of the Cinema. I felt so sorry for him, he was very grateful. Poor soul fed most of it to his dog! Dear me I get far to emotional in moments like that one. I just wish I could have done for for him.
Anyway on a brighter note heres a few snaps from that night...

I love this gorgeous girl she is like a little sister to me!

On Thursday I went food shopping with my Mam and made the huge mistake of buying fiction books before exam semester at Uni! Whoops. On Thursday night me and my mam watched The Boy in Striped Pajamas, i'd seen it before but it was the first time my mam had seen it. Such a heartbreaking yet unreal film. I love a good history movie. Nerd head. 

On Friday I lazed around all day pretty much and went out for my tea with my best friend. We came back to mine ate sweets, watched movies and played cards. It loved it, easily pleased, aha.

Food, friends and frozen! bit of alliteration for yas there.

Tonight I am going out with my college friends, I haven't seen them properly since Christmas so i'm verye excited. I'm sure we will get lots of photos so I will no doubt get them uploaded for all to enjoy.

I have had a fabulous week, and am very excited for the next 2 ahead of me. I just love being home.

If you got this far, well done you.
Thanks for reading!

Comments welcome below.
Disclaimer: Yes I have a collage for pretty much everything, oops.

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