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Wednesday, 14 May 2014

My King

 I am writing this special post in memory of my Grandad. Today is his 3rd anniversary since passing away on 14th May 2011.

Without exaggerating this time 3 years ago I didn't know if I would ever truly be happy again. My world came crashing down the day my Grandad passed away. I had never experienced someone as close as him passing away in my life time. This was a huge shock to me and I didn't quite know how I was going to deal with it personally. 

71 years young and fighting strong my Grandad had his whole family on his side, and what a family he has. My Nanna is the strongest woman in my life and she still lets Grandad in on all the gossip when she goes to bed at night. Whether it be someone is pregnant, or has a new boyfriend, to what naughty thing Amber (the dog) done today. She is my inspiration, always thinking of others and staying strong for us all.

David Groom 1940-2011
He was a dedicated Middlesbrough fan!
My Nanna and Grandad have been married 54 years this year! not many people can say that any more. They met when he was 19 and my Nanna was 18. My Nanna tells me their stories all of the time when I sleepover in his side of the bed. They met in April and were meant to go on a date. In the days without the good ol'mobile phone they ended up missing one another because they accidentally stood at the opposite end of the same avenue waiting for one another (oops) she will always say it was his fault aha. After both thinking they were stood up they spot each other in the street a month later. This was in May 1959, and by July they were engaged. On 19th December of the same year they married at St Joseph's Church in Norton. In the space of just under a year they had met, fallen in love and gotten married. That's what i'm talking about!


Grandad was the best friend to all of his children and grandchildren, and we would always ask him for something if nanna said no! Haha...I hope that wasn't only me ;). He was always so kind, and funny. I would go round after school and sit for hours whilst he taught me and my sisters how to play dominos and cards. He taught me how to tie my shoe laces because I had no patience for anyone else (little brat), but he always managed to keep me practising. His famous meal after school was chicken noodles and to this day they remind me of him. He would swear by a few whiskeys and was known for this. Every occasion he would get bottle after bottle from his own children. He told the best jokes, and even if I didn't understand them I would laugh (although I think he knew I had no clue aha). We had some of the best holidays at Haven and one time him and my nanna took me and my sister on a boat trip and me and my twin sister cried to get off (such wimps). 

Haven (probably Primrose Valley) with out Rory the tigers
I know that I will always miss him, but I just hope so much that I am making him proud every day. I know that he was the best man in my families lives. He brought up such an amazing family and we stick by one another through everything. He was always there to give a helping hand. I could go on and on about how selfless and loving he was but I think i'll leave it there for now. I know i'll see him again one day and this forever keeps me going.

54 years later, 7 years as a fireman in the RAF, 5 adults and a billion and 1 grandchildren (not really but there's a canny few of  us) and great grandchildren. I think it's safe to say my grandad made the most of his life, and brought up a very happy family.

What a man!

I love you Grandad, you'll always be in my heart.

(If any family read this and I have gotten some dates wrong please forgive me haha, even Nanna had trouble remembering)

Thanks for reading.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Chester Zoo

On Sunday 4th May me and my Uni girls (6 of us) planned a spontaneous trip to Chester Zoo for 5th. I had never been to a big Zoo before and was very excited. 

We set off in a taxi to the train station at 9:30am.  Arriving at Chester we hopped on the bus to the Zoo. On Arrival we purchased the most adorable hats at the shop. Some would say we looked silly, but we were loving it. Haha. 19 going on 9 (Y)! Also on arrival I was given a map...me a map?! I have the worst map reading skills in the world, even when it's designed for children (soz not soz). 

The gals minus Abz! 

The Giraffes were the highlight of my day!

Gorgeous Lions!
Sleepy Rhino.
Oh so pink...

Not even sure what you are?
I found Dori!

and Nemo kept hiding!

Some scary dog like animal

I had a fab day at the Zoo and would definitely go again! If you've never been to Chester Zoo and have the opportunity to I definitely would recommend it. Especially to take children.
Such a fun experience.

 All the gals!

A few harlmess selfies...