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Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Christmas Market fun

Hi Honeys,

So I am finally home from University for Christmas and I have a lovely festive post for you today.

So,  Last Wednesday I got the train to my friend Daisy's house in Manchester, and she took me to the Christmas Markets in the city. We got the tram into town which I thought was so random because I didn't know they were still around (ok, i'm stupid). Once in town I admired the view, the decorations were divine. It was almost like something you would read in a book. The wooden huts with fairy light and friendly people all in the Christmas spirit. I think that is exactly what I needed to put a smile on my face. I absolutely love people that are enthusiastic about life. They don't half life me up. We had a little chat to the people on the stalls and they were so friendly. Some were foreign students that were studying in the area and working at the markets and others brought their businesses along with them for the occasion. 

We got hot chocolate and looked around the stalls. I bought some Christmas presents and tasted all kinds of cheese (never known there to be so many kinds!). There were jewelry stalls and all kinds of trinkets. There was a lovely girl (Alice) selling canvases with positive messages on, which if you know me, is right up my street. So we both really liked them. I can't post what I bought because I don't want my friends to see before Christmas! but I got some really cute things. 

I had such a good time and definitely want to go again!

Best shot of the day of Daisy's piss take pose.

As a souvenir of the trip I kept my cute little mug.

Ps. Thanks for taking me Daisy :D

Thanks for reading

Saturday, 6 December 2014

What is important?

Okay, so it has been a while. 

I haven't really been up to writing lately and I figured if this blog is just for fun then there isn't any point forcing anything, cos then it isn't fun to read. I haven’t planned anything to post so this post is just going to be for me to vent, because I love a good vent. I don't know what it'll turn into. So here goes...

These past few weeks, I have had a lot of time to myself to think about what I want from life, where I want to be in 10 years and how I am going to get there. These thoughts always scare people but living with anxiety the thoughts about my future absolutely overwhelm me. I think what scares us is the constant reminders in school that tell us we need to decide what we want to do, and do everything possible to get there. When people like my-self are not 100% what they want to do it can cause feelings of worthlessness and guilt. I know from speaking to friends my age and even younger that feel the same as I do.

The main lesson I have learned whilst having this time is that the most important thing in life is health, and I have started to put my health before anything else. Before University, before going on holiday and before what anyone else expects of me. Today, the day I am writing this, I had planned and paid to spend the weekend at Paris with my friends from University. However, I have struggled quite alot these past few weeks with depression and my mental health. I am home from Uni and have taken some time to look after myself and get back on my feet. I don't regret spending £200 on Paris and not going because I know it was the right thing to do for my health. I feel better now than I did last week and the week before that. I think that is down to having realised what is most important in my life. My happiness, friends and family.


I have spent time with the people I love the most and who love me for simply being me. I am continuing to discover who my real friends are and who will stick by me when I screw up. These people are who I will invest my time with. I am so grateful for the people who have helped me through this difficult time and those people know who they are.

I mostly want to thank my Mam, Dad, sister and my best friends. My 4 best friends Beccy, Abbi, Daisy, and Lauren have been my rocks and there is nothing I wouldn’t tell any of them. I feel so blessed to have them in my life. Being around these girls I have been able to be myself and have felt entirely comfortable in doing so. In the past I have been around people that I have been afraid to do and say things around. I know now, that it is so much more fun to have fewer close friends than hundreds of people that claim to be friends but run at the first sight of trouble.


Lastly, I think what I wanted to get across is that the choices you make in life should be solely your own. I have struggled with caring too much about what other people think of me. I feel like I have been trying to meet expectations and have put far too much pressure on myself to be a better and more successful person. This can mean missing out on having fun and enjoying life on a day to day basis. I am now trying my best to make decision that are good for me and will make me happy.

I hope you’re all well.

Thanks for reading


(If anyone actually reads this on a regular basis let me know in the comments which size font is better, this post is large, the previous is normal. Cheers x)

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Hello beauties. I am back with a new post and who doesn't love a Primark Haul?

Hauls are literally my favourite videos/blog posts to watch and read. I have been watching the likes of Zoella and Tanya Burr show their purchases and I just love seeing what Primark have in. I'm one of those people that will wear something, and get bored of it. That's why Primark prices are ideal. I'll only spend alot of money on an item of clothing if I know i'll get alot of wear out of it.

Well, I certainly updated my A/W wardrobe. Some of the items I bought are definitely Paris buys. I am going to Paris with a few of my friends from Uni in December and I just couldn't resist buying some new outfits to wear on the visit (they'll 100% be a blog post and I am so excited to take photos to share).


Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

4 months of fun!


So I haven't really posted much over Summer, I've been so busy working and catching up with friends and family from home. I am now officially back at University, and yesterday was my first day back. I am going to post a room tour when I am finally sorted it out but for now i'm going to leave some of my favorite photos that represent my Summer holidays.

.ALL of these people made my Summer amazing. I love them all. However, this Summer I met one girl I know I will be friends with forever. Beccy Casson is my rock! and she has absolutely no idea how much she means to me now. I will miss her so much whilst i'm away but am so excited to being reunited at Christmas!

There is a recurring theme in these photos, but what can I say? I just love my friends, wine and food! 



Thanks for reading!